My Git CLI overhaul

26 February, 2025

I split this out of my 2024 project review because it got too long.

Last year I improved my daily Git experience by writing a bunch of aliases. Here’s a reference for what I’ve done so far (Nix configs).


git a

git a FILE+ - Stage the given FILEs.

Inverse: git r.

git amend

git amend - Add the currently staged changes to a given commit.

Asciinema cast of git amend (source). After a file is staged, git amend brings up a fuzzy-finder showing recent commits. A commit is selected, and the staged change inserted into that commit.

git ap

git ap - Stage files using interactive patch mode.

git au

git au - Stage all modified files.

git br

git br OPTION* - Branch management.

Prints the current branch name if OPTIONs are ommitted. Otherwise, OPTIONs are passed to git branch.

git co

git co - Commit staged files, opening an editor for the commit message.

Inverse: git undo.

git coe

git coe MESSAGE - Create an empty commit with message MESSAGE.

Inverse: git undo.

git com

git com MESSAGE - Commit staged files with message MESSAGE.

Inverse: git undo.

git ch

git ch BRANCH? - Switch to a branch.

Asciinema cast of git ch (source). git ch brings up a fuzzy-finder showing available branches. A branch is selected and switched to.

git chn

git chn BRANCH - Create and switch to branch BRANCH.

git d

git d - Diff unstaged files against staged and committed files.

git ds

git ds - Diff staged files against committed files.

git f

git f - Fetch new changes, and show whether recent commits have diverged.

Screenshot of git f, where the local changes have diverged from the remote changes. The commits are listed in the same format as git l, but both the local and remote commits are listed, and an ASCII graph highlights the divergence.

git l

git l - Display the 20 most recent commits.

Screenshot of git l. Commits are listed one per line. Each line includes: a shortened commit hash, the first line of the commit message, the time since the commit was made, and any branches that point to the commit.

git lg

git lg - Display the 20 most recent commits using an ASCII graph.

See git f for a screenshot of an ASCII graph.

git p

git p - Push the current branch.

git pa

git pa - Push all branches.

git pf

git pf - Force-push the current branch.

git r

git r FILE+ - Unstage staged FILEs.

git re

git re OPTION* - Call git rebase with OPTIONs.

git rec

git rec - Alias for git rebase --continue.

git rei

git rei COMMIT? - Start an interactive rebase.

Uses COMMIT as the base commit if provided. Otherwise, launches a fuzzy finder to select the base commit.

git reword

git reword COMMIT? - Edit a commit message.

Edits COMMIT if provided. Otherwise, launches a fuzzy finder to select the commit.

Asciinema cast of git reword (source). git reword brings up a fuzzy-finder showing recent commits. A commit is selected, and an editor opens containing that commit’s message. The message is edited, the editor saved then closed, updating the commit’s message.

git st

git st - Print the repo’s state.

Screenshot of git st. Modified files are marked with a red “M”, staged files are marked with a green “A”, and new files are marked witha a red “??”. The command also lists any unpushed commits.

git spop

git spop - Alias for git stash pop.

git spush

git spush - Alias for git stash push.

git undo

git undo - Remove the most recent commit, staging its files.

Inverse of git co, git coe, git com.